幼儿园圣诞节由来英文PPT课件这个PPT共26页,该文件包含了PPT课件。主要包含Christmas tree,Christmas carols,Santa Claus,Christmas dinner等,欢迎点击下载。The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem signaled the fulfillment of a long awaited promise that God would send someone , his personal representative, to remove the negative effects of personal evil in the world . Jesus was that representative. Thus his arrival on the human scene , announced by a night sky full of angels ( Luke2:9-14), was good news.
In A.D. 336 the of Christ's birth,obviously trying to reorient the holiday for Christians.When the Empire split between east and west,the church in the east(Eastern Orthodox)recognized January 6th as the celebration date.In many countries January 6th is still honored as the "official"birth date of Chist.The time between December 25th and January 6th forms what has become known as the "12Days of Christmas."
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